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The principles of natural climate solutions 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2024, 卷号: 15, 期号: 1
作者:  Ellis, Peter Woods;  Page, Aaron Marr;  Wood, Stephen;  Fargione, Joseph;  Masuda, Yuta J.;  Denney, Vanessa Carrasco;  Moore, Campbell;  Kroeger, Timm;  Griscom, Bronson;  Sanderman, Jonathan;  Atleo, Tyson;  Cortez, Rane;  Leavitt, Sara;  Cook-Patton, Susan C.
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Arctic spring and summertime aerosol optical depth baseline from long-term observations and model reanalyses - Part 1: Climatology and trend 期刊论文
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2022, 卷号: 22, 期号: 15, 页码: 33
作者:  Xian, Peng;  Zhang, Jianglong;  O'Neill, Norm T.;  Toth, Travis D.;  Sorenson, Blake;  Colarco, Peter R.;  Kipling, Zak;  Hyer, Edward J.;  Campbell, James R.;  Reid, Jeffrey S.;  Ranjbar, Keyvan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2023/04/13
Food and Earth Systems: Priorities for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Agriculture and Food Systems 期刊论文
SUSTAINABILITY, 2019, 卷号: 11, 期号: 5
作者:  Loboguerrero, Ana Maria;  Campbell, Bruce M.;  Cooper, Peter J. M.;  Hansen, James W.;  Rosenstock, Todd;  Wollenberg, Eva
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
food systems  adaptation  mitigation  greenhouse gas emissions  climate change  climate-smart agriculture  small farms  family farms  
Future climate change is predicted to affect the microbiome and condition of habitat-forming kelp 期刊论文
作者:  Qiu, Zhiguang;  Coleman, Melinda A.;  Provost, Euan;  Campbell, Alexandra H.;  Kelaher, Brendan P.;  Dalton, Steven J.;  Thomas, Torsten;  Steinberg, Peter D.;  Marzinelli, Ezequiel M.
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acidification  bacteria  disease  Ecklonia radiata  holobiont  temperature  
Stable carbon isotope analysis on fossil Cedrus pollen shows summer aridification in Morocco during the last 5000 years 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 2019, 卷号: 34, 期号: 4-5, 页码: 323-332
作者:  Bell, Benjamin A.;  Fletcher, William J.;  Cornelissen, Henk L.;  Campbell, Jennifer F. E.;  Ryan, Peter;  Grant, Helen;  Zielhofer, Christoph
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Genetic Data from Nearly 63,000 Women of European Descent Predicts DNA Methylation Biomarkers and Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Risk 期刊论文
CANCER RESEARCH, 2019, 卷号: 79, 期号: 3, 页码: 505-517
作者:  Yang, Yaohua;  Wu, Lang;  Shu, Xiang;  Lu, Yingchang;  Shu, Xiao-Ou;  Cai, Qiuyin;  Beeghly-Fadiel, Alicia;  Li, Bingshan;  Ye, Fei;  Berchuck, Andrew;  Anton-Culver, Hoda;  Banerjee, Susana;  Benitez, Javier;  Bjorge, Line;  Brenton, James D.;  Butzow, Ralf;  Campbell, Ian G.;  Chang-Claude, Jenny;  Chen, Kexin;  Cook, Linda S.;  Cramer, Daniel W.;  defazio, Anna;  Dennis, Joe;  Doherty, Jennifer A.;  Doerk, Thilo;  Eccles, Diana M.;  Edwards, Digna Velez;  Fasching, Peter A.;  Fortner, Renee T.;  Gayther, Simon A.;  Giles, Graham G.;  Glasspool, Rosalind M.;  Goode, Ellen L.;  Goodman, Marc T.;  Gronwald, Jacek;  Harris, Holly R.;  Heitz, Florian;  Hildebrandt, Michelle A.;  Hogdall, Estrid;  Hogdall, Claus K.;  Huntsman, David G.;  Kar, Siddhartha P.;  Karlan, Beth Y.;  Kelemen, Linda E.;  Kiemeney, Lambertus A.;  Kjaer, Susanne K.;  Koushik, Anita;  Lambrechts, Diether;  Le, Nhu D.;  Levine, Douglas A.;  Massuger, Leon F.;  Matsuo, Keitaro;  May, Taymaa;  McNeish, Iain A.;  Menon, Usha;  Modugno, Francesmary;  Monteiro, Alvaro N.;  Moorman, Patricia G.;  Moysich, Kirsten B.;  Ness, Roberta B.;  Nevanlinna, Heli;  Olsson, Hakan;  Onland-Moret, N. Charlotte;  Park, Sue K.;  Paul, James;  Pearce, Celeste L.;  Pejovic, Tanja;  Phelan, Catherine M.;  Pike, Malcolm C.;  Ramus, Susan J.;  Riboli, Elio;  Rodriguez-Antona, Cristina;  Romieu, Isabelle;  Sandler, Dale P.;  Schildkraut, Joellen M.;  Setiawan, Veronica W.;  Shan, Kang;  Siddiqui, Nadeem;  Sieh, Weiva;  Stampfer, Meir J.;  Sutphen, Rebecca;  Swerdlow, Anthony J.;  Szafron, Lukasz M.;  Teo, Soo Hwang;  Tworoger, Shelley S.;  Tyrer, Jonathan P.;  Webb, Penelope M.;  Wentzensen, Nicolas;  White, Emily;  Willett, Walter C.;  Wolk, Alicja;  Woo, Yin Ling;  Wu, Anna H.;  Yan, Li;  Yannoukakos, Drakoulis;  Chenevix-Trench, Georgia;  Sellers, Thomas A.;  Pharoah, Paul D. P.;  Zheng, Wei;  Long, Jirong
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Interactions within the microbiome alter microbial interactions with host chemical defences and affect disease in a marine holobiont 期刊论文
作者:  Longford, Sharon R.;  Campbell, Alexandra H.;  Nielsen, Shaun;  Case, Rebecca J.;  Kjelleberg, Staffan;  Steinberg, Peter D.
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Globally important islands where eradicating invasive mammals will benefit highly threatened vertebrates 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2019, 卷号: 14, 期号: 3
作者:  Holmes, Nick D.;  Spatz, Dena R.;  Oppel, Steffen;  Tershy, Bernie;  Croll, Donald A.;  Keitt, Brad;  Genovesi, Piero;  Burfield, Ian J.;  Will, David J.;  Bond, Alexander L.;  Wegmann, Alex;  Aguirre-Munoz, Alfonso;  Raine, Andre F.;  Knapp, Charles R.;  Hung, Chung-Hang;  Wingate, David;  Hagen, Erin;  Mendez-Sanchez, Federico;  Rocamora, Gerard;  Yuan, Hsiao-Wei;  Fric, Jakob;  Millett, James;  Russell, James;  Liske-Clark, Jill;  Vidal, Eric;  Jourdan, Herve;  Campbell, Karl;  Springer, Keith;  Swinnerton, Kirsty;  Gibbons-Decherong, Lolita;  Langrand, Olivier;  Brooke, M. de L.;  McMinn, Miguel;  Bunbury, Nancy;  Oliveira, Nuno;  Sposimo, Paolo;  Geraldes, Pedro;  McClelland, Pete;  Hodum, Peter;  Ryan, Peter G.;  Borroto-Paez, Rafael;  Pierce, Ray;  Griffiths, Richard;  Fisher, Robert N.;  Wanless, Ross;  Pasachnik, Stesha A.;  Cranwell, Steve;  Micol, Thierry;  Butchart, Stuart H. M.
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Toward Sustainable Environmental Quality: Priority Research Questions for North America 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY, 2019, 卷号: 38, 期号: 8, 页码: 1606-1624
作者:  Fairbrother, Anne;  Muir, Derek;  Solomon, Keith R.;  Ankley, Gerald T.;  Rudd, Murray A.;  Boxall, Alistair B. A.;  Apell, Jennifer N.;  Armbrust, Kevin L.;  Blalock, Bonnie J.;  Bowman, Sarah R.;  Campbell, Linda M.;  Cobb, George P.;  Connors, Kristin A.;  Dreier, David A.;  Evans, Marlene S.;  Henry, Carol J.;  Hoke, Robert A.;  Houde, Magali;  Klaine, Stephen J.;  Klaper, Rebecca D.;  Kullik, Sigrun A.;  Lanno, Roman P.;  Meyer, Charles;  Ottinger, Mary Ann;  Oziolor, Elias;  Petersen, Elijah J.;  Poynton, Helen C.;  Rice, Pamela J.;  Rodriguez-Fuentes, Gabriela;  Samel, Alan;  Shaw, Joseph R.;  Steevens, Jeffery A.;  Verslycke, Tim A.;  Vidal-Dorsch, Doris E.;  Weir, Scott M.;  Wilson, Peter;  Brooks, Bryan W.
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Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene 期刊论文
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 2019, 卷号: 3, 期号: 9, 页码: 1341-1350
作者:  Darling, Emily S.;  McClanahan, Tim R.;  Maina, Joseph;  Gurney, Georgina G.;  Graham, Nicholas A. J.;  Januchowski-Hartley, Fraser;  Cinner, Joshua E.;  Mora, Camilo;  Hicks, Christina C.;  Maire, Eva;  Puotinen, Marji;  Skirving, William J.;  Adjeroud, Mehdi;  Ahmadia, Gabby;  Arthur, Rohan;  Bauman, Andrew G.;  Beger, Maria;  Berumen, Michael L.;  Bigot, Lionel;  Bouwmeester, Jessica;  Brenier, Ambroise;  Bridge, Tom C. L.;  Brown, Eric;  Campbell, Stuart J.;  Cannon, Sara;  Cauvin, Bruce;  Chen, Chaolun Allen;  Claudet, Joachim;  Denis, Vianney;  Donner, Simon;  Estradivari;  Fadli, Nur;  Feary, David A.;  Fenner, Douglas;  Fox, Helen;  Franklin, Erik C.;  Friedlander, Alan;  Gilmour, James;  Goiran, Claire;  Guest, James;  Hobbs, Jean-Paul A.;  Hoey, Andrew S.;  Houk, Peter;  Johnson, Steven;  Jupiter, Stacy D.;  Kayal, Mohsen;  Kuo, Chao-Yang;  Lamb, Joleah;  Lee, Michelle A. C.;  Low, Jeffrey;  Muthiga, Nyawira;  Muttaqin, Efin;  Nand, Yashika;  Nash, Kirsty L.;  Nedlic, Osamu;  Pandolfi, John M.;  Pardede, Shinta;  Patankar, Vardhan;  Penin, Lucie;  Ribas-Deulofeu, Lauriane;  Richards, Zoe;  Roberts, T. Edward;  Rodgers, Ku';  ulei S.;  Safuan, Che Din Mohd;  Sala, Enric;  Shedrawi, George;  Sin, Tsai Min;  Smallhorn-West, Patrick;  Smith, Jennifer E.;  Sommer, Brigitte;  Steinberg, Peter D.;  Sutthacheep, Makamas;  Tan, Chun Hong James;  Williams, Gareth J.;  Wilson, Shaun;  Yeemin, Thamasak;  Bruno, John F.;  Fortin, Marie-Josee;  Krkosek, Martin;  Mouillot, David
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