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Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally 期刊论文
作者:  Smith, Melinda D.;  Wilkins, Kate D.;  Holdrege, Martin C.;  Wilfahrt, Peter;  Collins, Scott L.;  Knapp, Alan K.;  Sala, Osvaldo E.;  Dukes, Jeffrey S.;  Phillips, Richard P.;  Yahdjian, Laura;  Gherardi, Laureano A.;  Ohlert, Timothy;  Beier, Claus;  Fraser, Lauchlan H.;  Jentsch, Anke;  Loik, Michael E.;  Maestre, Fernando T.;  Power, Sally A.;  Yu, Qiang;  Felton, Andrew J.;  Munson, Seth M.;  Luo, Yiqi;  Abdoli, Hamed;  Abedi, Mehdi;  Alados, Concepcion L.;  Alberti, Juan;  Alon, Moshe;  An, Hui;  Anacker, Brian;  Anderson, Maggie;  Auge, Harald;  Bachle, Seton;  Bahalkeh, Khadijeh;  Bahn, Michael;  Batbaatar, Amgaa;  Bauerle, Taryn;  Beard, Karen H.;  Behn, Kai;  Beil, Ilka;  Biancari, Lucio;  Blindow, Irmgard;  Bondaruk, Viviana Florencia;  Borer, Elizabeth T.;  Bork, Edward W.;  Bruschetti, Carlos Martin;  Byrne, Kerry M.;  Cahill, James F., Jr.;  Calvo, Dianela A.;  Carbognani, Michele;  Cardoni, Augusto;  Carlyle, Cameron N.;  Castillo-Garcia, Miguel;  Chang, Scott X.;  Chieppa, Jeff;  Cianciaruso, Marcus V.;  Cohen, Ofer;  Cordeiro, Amanda L.;  Cusack, Daniela F.;  Dahlke, Sven;  Daleo, Pedro;  D'Antonio, Carla M.;  Dietterich, Lee H.;  Doherty, Tim S.;  Dubbert, Maren;  Ebeling, Anne;  Eisenhauer, Nico;  Fischer, Felicia M.;  Forte, T'ai G. W.;  Gebauer, Tobias;  Gozalo, Beatriz;  Greenville, Aaron C.;  Guidoni-Martins, Karlo G.;  Hannusch, Heather J.;  Haugum, Siri Vatso;  Hautier, Yann;  Hefting, Mariet;  Henry, Hugh A. L.;  Hoss, Daniela;  Ingrisch, Johannes;  Iribarne, Oscar;  Isbell, Forest;  Johnson, Yari;  Jordan, Samuel;  Kelly, Eugene F.;  Kimmel, Kaitlin;  Kreyling, Juergen;  Kroel-Dulay, Gyorgy;  Kropfl, Alicia;  Kubert, Angelika;  Kulmatiski, Andrew;  Lamb, Eric G.;  Larsen, Klaus Steenberg;  Larson, Julie;  Lawson, Jason;  Leder, Cintia V.;  Linstadter, Anja;  Liu, Jielin;  Liu, Shirong;  Lodge, Alexandra G.;  Longo, Grisel;  Loydi, Alejandro;  Luan, Junwei;  Lubbe, Frederick Curtis;  Macfarlane, Craig;  Mackie-Haas, Kathleen;  Malyshev, Andrey V.;  Maturano-Ruiz, Adrian;  Merchant, Thomas;  Metcalfe, Daniel B.;  Mori, Akira S.;  Mudongo, Edwin;  Newman, Gregory S.;  Nielsen, Uffe N.;  Nimmo, Dale;  Niu, Yujie;  Nobre, Paola;  O'Connor, Rory C.;  Ogaya, Roma;  Onatibia, Gaston R.;  Orban, Ildiko;  Osborne, Brooke;  Otfinowski, Rafael;  Partel, Meelis;  Penuelas, Josep;  Peri, Pablo L.;  Peter, Guadalupe;  Petraglia, Alessandro;  Picon-Cochard, Catherine;  Pillar, Valerio D.;  Pineiro-Guerra, Juan Manuel;  Ploughe, Laura W.;  Plowes, Robert M.;  Portales-Reyes, Cristy;  Prober, Suzanne M.;  Pueyo, Yolanda;  Reed, Sasha C.;  Ritchie, Euan G.;  Rodriguez, Dana Aylen;  Rogers, William E.;  Roscher, Christiane;  Sanchez, Ana M.;  Santo, Braulio A.;  Scarfo, Maria Cecilia;  Seabloom, Eric W.;  Shi, Baoku;  Souza, Lara;  Stampfi, Andreas;  Standish, Rachel J.;  Sternberg, Marcelo;  Sun, Wei;  Sunnemann, Marie;  Tedder, Michelle;  Thorvaldsen, Pal;  Tian, Dashuan;  Tielborger, Katja;  Valdecantos, Alejandro;  van den Brink, Liesbeth;  Vandvik, Vigdis;  Vankoughnett, Mathew R.;  Velle, Liv Guri;  Wang, Changhui;  Wang, Yi;  Wardle, Glenda M.;  Werner, Christiane;  Wei, Cunzheng;  Wiehl, Georg;  Williams, Jennifer L.;  Wolf, Amelia A.;  Zeiter, Michaela;  Zhang, Fawei;  Zhu, Juntao;  Zong, Ning;  Zuo, Xiaoan
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2024/06/11
Antecedents and consequences of COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs: A systematic review 期刊论文
作者:  van Mulukom, Valerie;  Pummerer, Lotte J.;  Alper, Sinan;  Bai, Hui;  Cavojova, Vladimira;  Farias, Jessica;  Kay, Cameron S.;  Lazarevic, Ljiljana B.;  Lobato, Emilio J. C.;  Marinthe, Gaelle;  Banai, Irena Pavela;  Srol, Jakub;  Zezelj, Iris
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2024/01/31
Exploring the Potential of Using Carbonyl Sulfide to Track the Urban Biosphere Signal 期刊论文
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2021, 卷号: 126, 期号: 13
作者:  Villalba G.;  Whelan M.;  Montzka S.A.;  Cameron-Smith P.J.;  Fischer M.;  Zumkehr A.;  Hilton T.;  Stinecipher J.;  Baker I.;  Bambha R.P.;  Michelsen H.A.;  LaFranchi B.W.;  Estruch C.;  Campbell E.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2021/11/15
Tracking, targeting, and conserving soil biodiversity: A monitoring and indicator system can inform policy 期刊论文
Science, 2021, 卷号: 371, 期号: 6526
作者:  Guerra C.A.;  Bardgett R.D.;  Caon L.;  Crowther T.W.;  Delgado-Baquerizo M.;  Montanarella L.;  Navarro L.M.;  Orgiazzi A.;  Singh B.K.;  Tedersoo L.;  Vargas-Rojas R.;  Briones M.J.I.;  Buscot F.;  Cameron E.K.;  Cesarz S.;  Chatzinotas A.;  Cowan D.A.;  Djukic I.;  Van Den Hoogen J.;  Lehmann A.;  Maestre F.T.;  Marín C.;  Reitz T.;  Rillig M.C.;  Smith L.C.;  De Vries F.T.;  Weigelt A.;  Wall D.H.;  Eisenhauer N.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
Evaluating stratospheric ozone and water vapour changes in CMIP6 models from 1850 to 2100 期刊论文
作者:  Keeble J.;  Hassler B.;  Banerjee A.;  Checa-Garcia R.;  Chiodo G.;  Davis S.;  Eyring V.;  Griffiths P.T.;  Morgenstern O.;  Nowack P.;  Zeng G.;  Zhang J.;  Bodeker G.;  Burrows S.;  Cameron-Smith P.;  Cugnet D.;  Danek C.;  Deushi M.;  Horowitz L.W.;  Kubin A.;  Li L.;  Lohmann G.;  Michou M.;  Mills M.J.;  Nabat P.;  Olivié D.;  Park S.;  Seland Ø.;  Stoll J.;  Wieners K.-H.;  Wu T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:44/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/18
A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 2
作者:  Goddard M.A.;  Davies Z.G.;  Guenat S.;  Ferguson M.J.;  Fisher J.C.;  Akanni A.;  Ahjokoski T.;  Anderson P.M.L.;  Angeoletto F.;  Antoniou C.;  Bates A.J.;  Barkwith A.;  Berland A.;  Bouch C.J.;  Rega-Brodsky C.C.;  Byrne L.B.;  Cameron D.;  Canavan R.;  Chapman T.;  Connop S.;  Crossland S.;  Dade M.C.;  Dawson D.A.;  Dobbs C.;  Downs C.T.;  Ellis E.C.;  Escobedo F.J.;  Gobster P.;  Gulsrud N.M.;  Guneralp B.;  Hahs A.K.;  Hale J.D.;  Hassall C.;  Hedblom M.;  Hochuli D.F.;  Inkinen T.;  Ioja I.-C.;  Kendal D.;  Knowland T.;  Kowarik I.;  Langdale S.J.;  Lerman S.B.;  MacGregor-Fors I.;  Manning P.;  Massini P.;  McLean S.;  Mkwambisi D.D.;  Ossola A.;  Luque G.P.;  Pérez-Urrestarazu L.;  Perini K.;  Perry G.;  Pett T.J.;  Plummer K.E.;  Radji R.A.;  Roll U.;  Potts S.G.;  Rumble H.;  Sadler J.P.;  de Saille S.;  Sautter S.;  Scott C.E.;  Shwartz A.;  Smith T.;  Snep R.P.H.;  Soulsbury C.D.;  Stanley M.C.;  Van de Voorde T.;  Venn S.J.;  Warren P.H.;  Washbourne C.-L.;  Whitling M.;  Williams N.S.G.;  Yang J.;  Yeshitela K.;  Yocom K.P.;  Dallimer M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/13
Erratum: Global distribution of earthworm diversity (Science DOI: 10.1126/science.aax4851) 期刊论文
Science, 2020, 卷号: 369, 期号: 6503
作者:  Phillips H.R.P.;  Guerra C.A.;  Bartz M.L.C.;  Briones M.J.I.;  Brown G.;  Crowther T.W.;  Ferlian O.;  Gongalsky K.B.;  van den Hoogen J.;  Krebs J.;  Orgiazzi A.;  Routh D.;  Schwarz B.;  Bach E.M.;  Bennett J.;  Brose U.;  Decaëns T.;  König-Ries B.;  Loreau M.;  Mathieu J.;  Mulder C.;  van der Putten W.H.;  Ramirez K.S.;  Rillig M.C.;  Russell D.;  Rutgers M.;  Thakur M.P.;  de Vries F.T.;  Wall D.H.;  Wardle D.A.;  Arai M.;  Ayuke F.O.;  Baker G.H.;  Beauséjour R.;  Bedano J.C.;  Birkhofer K.;  Blanchart E.;  Blossey B.;  Bolger T.;  Bradley R.L.;  Callaham M.A.;  Capowiez Y.;  Cauleld M.E.;  Choi A.;  Crotty F.V.;  Dávalos A.;  Diaz Cosin D.J.;  Dominguez A.;  Duhour A.E.;  van Eekeren N.;  Emmerling C.;  Falco L.B.;  Fernández R.;  Fonte S.J.;  Fragoso C.;  Franco A.L.C.;  Fugère M.;  Fusilero A.T.;  Gholami S.;  Gundale M.J.;  Gutiérrez López M.;  Kukkonen D.K.;  Lalthanzara H.;  Lammel D.R.;  Lebedev I.M.;  Li Y.;  Jesus Lidon J.B.;  Lincoln N.K.;  Loss S.R.;  Marichal R.;  Matula R.;  Moos J.H.;  Moreno G.;  Morón-Ríos A.;  Muys B.;  Neirynck J.;  Norgrove L.;  Novo M.;  Nuutinen V.;  Nuzzo V.;  Rahman M.P.;  Pansu J.;  Paudel S.;  Pérès G.;  Pérez-Camacho L.;  Piñeiro R.;  Ponge J.-F.;  Rashid M.I.;  Rebollo S.;  Rodeiro-Iglesias J.;  Rodríguez M.Á.;  Roth A.M.;  Rousseau G.X.;  Rozen A.;  Sayad E.;  van Schaik L.;  Scharenbroch B.C.;  Schirrmann M.;  Schmidt O.;  Schröder B.;  Seeber J.;  Shashkov M.P.;  Singh J.;  Smith S.M.;  Steinwandter M.;  Talavera J.A.;  Trigo D.;  Tsukamoto J.;  de Valença A.W.;  Vanek S.J.;  Virto I.;  Wackett A.A.;  Warren M.W.;  Wehr N.H.;  Whalen J.K.;  Wironen M.B.;  Wolters V.;  Zenkova I.V.;  Zhang W.;  Cameron E.K.;  Eisenhauer N.
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Sediment metal enrichment and ecological risk assessment of ten ports and estuaries in the World Harbours Project 期刊论文
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 卷号: 155
作者:  Birch G.F.;  Lee J.-H.;  Tanner E.;  Fortune J.;  Munksgaard N.;  Whitehead J.;  Coughanowr C.;  Agius J.;  Chrispijn J.;  Taylor U.;  Wells F.;  Bellas J.;  Besada V.;  Viñas L.;  Soares-Gomes A.;  Cordeiro R.C.;  Machado W.;  Santelli R.E.;  Vaughan M.;  Cameron M.;  Brooks P.;  Crowe T.;  Ponti M.;  Airoldi L.;  Guerra R.;  Puente A.;  Gómez A.G.;  Zhou G.J.;  Leung K.M.Y.;  Steinberg P.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:54/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
Congruence between future distribution models and empirical data for an iconic species at Joshua Tree National Park 期刊论文
ECOSPHERE, 2019, 卷号: 10, 期号: 6
作者:  Sweet, Lynn C.;  Green, Tyler;  Heintz, James G. C.;  Frakes, Neil;  Graver, Nicolas;  Rangitsch, Jeff S.;  Rodgers, Jane E.;  Heacox, Scott;  Barrows, Cameron W.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:26/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
citizen science  climate change  community science  conservation  Joshua trees  Mojave Desert  plant distribution  recruitment  refugia  species distribution modeling  
Subseasonal atmospheric regimes and ocean background forcing of Pacific Arctic sea ice melt onset 期刊论文
CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 2019, 卷号: 52, 期号: 9-10, 页码: 5657-5672
作者:  Ballinger, Thomas J.;  Lee, Cameron C.;  Sheridan, Scott C.;  Crawford, Alex D.;  Overland, James E.;  Wang, Muyin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07