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Enhanced light interception and light use efficiency explain overyielding in young tree communities 期刊论文
Ecology Letters, 2021, 卷号: 24, 期号: 5
作者:  Williams L.J.;  Butler E.E.;  Cavender-Bares J.;  Stefanski A.;  Rice K.E.;  Messier C.;  Paquette A.;  Reich P.B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
biodiversity–ecosystem function  complementarity  diversity–productivity  ecophysiology  forest productivity  functional diversity  IDENT  niche partitioning  photosynthetic light-response  
Evaluating the benefits of chlorophyll fluorescence for in-season crop productivity forecasting 期刊论文
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 卷号: 260
作者:  Sloat L.L.;  Lin M.;  Butler E.E.;  Johnson D.;  Holbrook N.M.;  Huybers P.J.;  Lee J.-E.;  Mueller N.D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:37/0  |  提交时间:2021/05/24
The spatial structure of Phanerozoic marine animal diversity 期刊论文
Science, 2020, 卷号: 368, 期号: 6489
作者:  Close R.A.;  Benson R.B.J.;  Saupe E.E.;  Clapham M.E.;  Butler R.J.
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Phenology matters: Extended spring and autumn canopy cover increases biotic resistance of forests to invasion by common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 464
作者:  Schuster M.J.;  Wragg P.D.;  Williams L.J.;  Butler E.E.;  Stefanski A.;  Reich P.B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Biology  Light transmission  Seed  Biotic resistance  Invasion  Phenology  Rhamnus cathartica  Shade tolerance  Understory  Forestry  biotic factor  deciduous tree  forest canopy  forest ecosystem  growth  light availability  mortality  phenology  seasonal variation  shade tolerance  species richness  understory  Biology  Forestry  Light  Phenology  Resistance  Rhamnus  Transmittance  Cloquet  Minnesota  United States  Rhamnaceae  Rhamnus cathartica  
The spatial structure of Phanerozoic marine animal diversity 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 368, 期号: 6489
作者:  Close R.A.;  Benson R.B.J.;  Saupe E.E.;  Clapham M.E.;  Butler R.J.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
animal  coral reef  environmental factor  fossil record  hypothesis testing  marine ecosystem  Phanerozoic  spatial analysis  species diversity  zoogeography  article  environmental factor  fossil  nonhuman  Phanerozoic  quantitative analysis  animal  aquatic species  biodiversity  fossil  paleontology  Animalia  Animals  Aquatic Organisms  Biodiversity  Fossils  Paleontology  
Phenology matters: Extended spring and autumn canopy cover increases biotic resistance of forests to invasion by common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) 期刊论文
Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 卷号: 464
作者:  Schuster M.J.;  Wragg P.D.;  Williams L.J.;  Butler E.E.;  Stefanski A.;  Reich P.B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
Heavy rain; come today 期刊论文
Nature Climate Change, 2020, 卷号: 10, 期号: 9
作者:  Butler E.E.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2020/10/26
Seeing the Canopy for the Branches: Improved Within Canopy Scaling of Leaf Nitrogen 期刊论文
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2020, 卷号: 12, 期号: 10
作者:  Butler E.E.;  Chen M.;  Ricciuto D.;  Flores-Moreno H.;  Wythers K.R.;  Kattge J.;  Thornton P.E.;  Reich P.B.
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Integrative functional genomic analysis of human brain development and neuropsychiatric risks 期刊论文
Science, 2018, 卷号: 362, 期号: 6420
作者:  Li M.;  Santpere G.;  Kawasawa Y.I.;  Evgrafov O.V.;  Gulden F.O.;  Pochareddy S.;  Sunkin S.M.;  Li Z.;  Shin Y.;  Zhu Y.;  Sousa A.M.M.;  Werling D.M.;  Kitchen R.R.;  Kang H.J.;  Pletikos M.;  Choi J.;  Muchnik S.;  Xu X.;  Wang D.;  Lorente-Galdos B.;  Liu S.;  Giusti-Rodríguez P.;  Won H.;  De Leeuw C.A.;  Pardiñas A.F.;  Reimers M.A.;  Willsey A.J.;  Oldre A.;  Szafer A.;  Camarena A.;  Cherskov A.;  Charney A.W.;  Abyzov A.;  Kozlenkov A.;  Safi A.;  Jones A.R.;  Ashley-Koch AE.;  Ebbert A.;  Price A.J.;  Sekijima A.;  Kefi A.;  Bernard A.;  Amiri A.;  Sboner A.;  Clark A.;  Jaffe A.E.;  Tebbenkamp A.T.N.;  Sodt A.J.;  Guillozet-Bongaarts AL.;  Nairn A.C.;  Carey A.;  Huttner A.;  Chervenak A.;  Szekely A.;  Shieh A.W.;  Harmanci A.;  Lipska B.K.;  Carlyle B.C.;  Gregor B.W.;  Kassim B.S.;  Sheppard B.;  Bichsel C.;  Hahn C.G.;  Lee C.K.;  Chen C.;  Kuan C.L.;  Dang C.;  Lau C.;  Cuhaciyan C.;  Armoskus C.;  Mason C.E.;  Liu C.;  Slaughterbeck C.R.;  Bennet C.;  Pinto D.;  Polioudakis D.;  Franjic D.;  Miller D.J.;  Bertagnolli D.;  Lewis D.A.;  Feng D.;  Sandman D.;  Clarke D.;  Williams D.;  DelValle D.;  Fitzgerald D.;  Shen E.H.;  Flatow E.;  Zharovsky E.;  Burke E.E.;  Olson E.;  Fulfs E.;  Mattei E.;  Hadjimichael E.;  Deelman E.;  Navarro F.C.P.;  Wu F.;  Lee F.;  Cheng F.;  Goes F.S.;  Vaccarino F.M.;  Liu F.;  Hoffman G.E.;  Gürsoy G.;  Gee G.;  Mehta G.;  Coppola G.;  Giase G.;  Sedmak G.;  Johnson G.D.;  Wray G.A.;  Crawford G.E.;  Gu G.;  van Bakel H.;  Witt H.;  Yoon H.J.;  Pratt H.;  Zhao H.;  Glass I.A.;  Huey J.;  Arnold J.;  Noonan J.P.;  Bendl J.;  Jochim J.M.;  Goldy J.;  Herstein J.;  Wiseman J.R.;  Miller J.A.;  Mariani J.;  Stoll J.;  Moore J.;  Szatkiewicz J.;  Leng J.;  Zhang J.;  Parente J.;  Rozowsky J.;  Fullard J.F.;  Hohmann J.G.;  Morris J.;  Phillips J.W.;  Warrell J.;  Shin J.H.;  An J.Y.;  Belmont J.;  Nyhus J.;  Pendergraft J.;  Bryois J.;  Roll K.;  Grennan K.S.;  Aiona K.;  White K.P.;  Aldinger K.A.;  Smith K.A.;  Girdhar K.;  Brouner K.;  Mangravite L.M.;  Brown L.;  Collado-Torres L.;  Cheng L.;  Gourley L.;  Song L.;  Ubieta L.T.;  Habegger L.;  Ng L.;  Hauberg M.E.;  Onorati M.;  Webster M.J.;  Kundakovic M.;  Skarica M.;  Johnson M.B.;  Chen M.M.;  Garrett M.E.;  Sarreal M.;  Reding M.;  Gu M.;  Peters M.A.;  Fisher M.;  Gandal M.J.;  Purcaro M.;  Smith M.;  Brown M.;  Shibata M.;  Xu M.;  Yang M.;  Ray M.;  Shapovalova N.V.;  Francoeur N.;  Sjoquist N.;  Mastan N.;  Kaur N.;  Parikshak N.;  Mosqueda N.F.;  Ngo N.K.;  Dee N.;  Ivanov N.A.;  Devillers O.;  Roussos P.;  Parker P.D.;  Manser P.;  Wohnoutka P.;  Farnham P.J.;  Zandi P.;  Emani P.S.;  Dalley R.A.;  Mayani R.;  Tao R.;  Gittin R.;  Straub R.E.;  Lifton R.P.;  Jacobov R.;  Howard R.E.;  Park R.B.;  Dai R.;  Abramowicz S.;  Akbarian S.;  Schreiner S.;  Ma S.;  Parry S.E.;  Shapouri S.;  Weissman S.;  Caldejon S.;  Mane S.;  Ding S.L.;  Scuderi S.;  Dracheva S.;  Butler S.;  Lisgo S.N.;  Rhie S.K.;  Lindsay S.;  Datta S.;  Souaiaia T.;  Roychowdhury T.;  Gomez T.;  Naluai-Cecchini T.;  Beach TG.;  Goodman T.;  Gao T.;  Dolbeare T.A.;  Fliss T.;  Reddy T.E.;  Chen T.;  Brunetti T.;  Lemon T.A.;  Desta T.;  Borrman T.;  Haroutunian V.;  Spitsyna V.N.;  Swarup V.;  Shi X.;  Jiang Y.;  Xia Y.;  Chen Y.H.;  Wang Y.;  Chae Y.;  Yang Y.T.;  Kim Y.;  Riley Z.L.;  Krsnik Z.;  Deng Z.;  Weng Z.;  Lin Z.;  Hu M.;  Jin F.;  Li Y.;  Owen M.J.;  O'Donovan M.C.;  Walters J.T.R.;  Posthuma D.;  Levitt P.;  Weinberger D.R.;  Hyde T.M.;  Kleinman J.E.;  Geschwind D.H.;  Hawrylycz M.J.;  State M.W.;  Sanders S.J.;  Sullivan P.F.;  Gerstein M.B.;  Lein E.S.;  Knowles J.A.;  Sestan N.
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