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Water stable isotope record of ice cores NGRIP I and II 数据集
类型: dataset, 2018-02-07,
作者:  Gkinis;  Vasileios;  Simonsen;  Sebastian B;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  White;  James W C;  Vinther;  Bo M
收藏  |  浏览/下载:23/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Water stable isotope record of ice core NGRIP (top section) 数据集
类型: dataset, 2018-02-07,
作者:  Gkinis;  Vasileios;  Simonsen;  Sebastian B;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  White;  James W C;  Vinther;  Bo M
收藏  |  浏览/下载:20/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Accumulation reconstruction using a DJ model for the NorthGRIP site, proposed 数据集
类型: dataset, 2014-02-02,
作者:  Gkinis;  Vasileios;  Simonsen;  Sebastian B;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  White;  James W C;  Vinther;  Bo M
收藏  |  浏览/下载:39/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Accumulation reconstruction using a DJ model for the NorthGRIP site 数据集
类型: dataset, 2014-02-02,
作者:  Gkinis;  Vasileios;  Simonsen;  Sebastian B;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  White;  James W C;  Vinther;  Bo M
收藏  |  浏览/下载:44/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Specific conductivity and hydrogen ions measured on two ice core (NEEM and NGRIP) 数据集
类型: dataset, 2013-04-08,
作者:  Rasmussen;  Sune Olander;  Abbott;  Peter M;  Blunier;  Thomas;  Bourne;  Mark;  Brook;  Edward J;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  Buizert;  Christo;  Chappellaz;  Jérôme A;  Clausen;  Henrik Brink;  Cook;  Eliza;  Dahl-Jensen;  Dorthe;  Davies;  Siwan M;  Guillevic;  Myriam;  Kipfstuhl;  Sepp;  Laepple;  Thomas;  Seierstad;  Inger K;  Severinghaus;  Jeffrey P;  Steffensen;  Jørgen Peder;  Stowasser;  Christopher;  Svensson;  Anders M;  Vallelonga;  Paul T;  Vinther;  Bo M;  Wilhelms;  Frank;  Winstrup;  Mai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:31/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Concentration of hydrogen ions measured with the Electrical Conductivity Method (ECM) on the NEEM ice core 数据集
类型: dataset, 2013-04-08,
作者:  Rasmussen;  Sune Olander;  Abbott;  Peter M;  Blunier;  Thomas;  Bourne;  Mark;  Brook;  Edward J;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  Buizert;  Christo;  Chappellaz;  Jérôme A;  Clausen;  Henrik Brink;  Cook;  Eliza;  Dahl-Jensen;  Dorthe;  Davies;  Siwan M;  Guillevic;  Myriam;  Kipfstuhl;  Sepp;  Laepple;  Thomas;  Seierstad;  Inger K;  Severinghaus;  Jeffrey P;  Steffensen;  Jørgen Peder;  Stowasser;  Christopher;  Svensson;  Anders M;  Vallelonga;  Paul T;  Vinther;  Bo M;  Wilhelms;  Frank;  Winstrup;  Mai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:25/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Concentration of hydrogen ions measured with the Electrical Conductivity Method (ECM) on the NGRIP ice core 数据集
类型: dataset, 2013-04-08,
作者:  Rasmussen;  Sune Olander;  Abbott;  Peter M;  Blunier;  Thomas;  Bourne;  Mark;  Brook;  Edward J;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  Buizert;  Christo;  Chappellaz;  Jérôme A;  Clausen;  Henrik Brink;  Cook;  Eliza;  Dahl-Jensen;  Dorthe;  Davies;  Siwan M;  Guillevic;  Myriam;  Kipfstuhl;  Sepp;  Laepple;  Thomas;  Seierstad;  Inger K;  Severinghaus;  Jeffrey P;  Steffensen;  Jørgen Peder;  Stowasser;  Christopher;  Svensson;  Anders M;  Vallelonga;  Paul T;  Vinther;  Bo M;  Wilhelms;  Frank;  Winstrup;  Mai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:21/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Specific conductivity measured with the dielectric profiling (DEP) technique on the NEEM ice core 数据集
类型: dataset, 2013-04-08,
作者:  Rasmussen;  Sune Olander;  Abbott;  Peter M;  Blunier;  Thomas;  Bourne;  Mark;  Brook;  Edward J;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  Buizert;  Christo;  Chappellaz;  Jérôme A;  Clausen;  Henrik Brink;  Cook;  Eliza;  Dahl-Jensen;  Dorthe;  Davies;  Siwan M;  Guillevic;  Myriam;  Kipfstuhl;  Sepp;  Laepple;  Thomas;  Seierstad;  Inger K;  Severinghaus;  Jeffrey P;  Steffensen;  Jørgen Peder;  Stowasser;  Christopher;  Svensson;  Anders M;  Vallelonga;  Paul T;  Vinther;  Bo M;  Wilhelms;  Frank;  Winstrup;  Mai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:25/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Specific conductivity measured with the dielectric profiling (DEP) technique on the NGRIP ice core 数据集
类型: dataset, 2013-04-08,
作者:  Rasmussen;  Sune Olander;  Abbott;  Peter M;  Blunier;  Thomas;  Bourne;  Mark;  Brook;  Edward J;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  Buizert;  Christo;  Chappellaz;  Jérôme A;  Clausen;  Henrik Brink;  Cook;  Eliza;  Dahl-Jensen;  Dorthe;  Davies;  Siwan M;  Guillevic;  Myriam;  Kipfstuhl;  Sepp;  Laepple;  Thomas;  Seierstad;  Inger K;  Severinghaus;  Jeffrey P;  Steffensen;  Jørgen Peder;  Stowasser;  Christopher;  Svensson;  Anders M;  Vallelonga;  Paul T;  Vinther;  Bo M;  Wilhelms;  Frank;  Winstrup;  Mai
收藏  |  浏览/下载:34/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19
Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005 (GICC05) and 20 year means of oxygen isotope data from ice core GRIP 数据集
类型: dataset, 2007-01-08,
作者:  Andersen;  Katrine K;  Bigler;  Matthias;  Buchardt;  Susanne L;  Clausen;  Henrik Brink;  Dahl-Jensen;  Dorthe;  Davies;  Siwan M;  Fischer;  Hubertus;  Goto-Azuma;  Kumiko;  Hansson;  Margareta E;  Heinemeier;  Jan;  Johnsen;  Sigfus J;  Larsen;  L B;  Muscheler;  Raimund;  Olsen;  G J;  Rasmussen;  Sune Olander;  Röthlisberger;  Regine;  Ruth;  Urs;  Seierstad;  Inger K;  Siggaard-Andersen;  Marie-Louise;  Steffensen;  Jørgen Peder;  Svensson;  Anders M;  Vinther;  Bo M
收藏  |  浏览/下载:35/0  |  提交时间:2021/10/19