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Aligning climate and sustainable development finance through an SDG lens. The role of development assistance in implementing the Paris Agreement 期刊论文
Global Environmental Change, 2022, 卷号: 74
作者:  Iacobuţă G.I.;  Brandi C.;  Dzebo A.;  Elizalde Duron S.D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2022/06/13
Influence of projected climate change, urban development and heat adaptation strategies on end of twenty-first century urban boundary layers across the Conterminous US 期刊论文
Climate Dynamics, 2021
作者:  Brandi A.;  Broadbent A.M.;  Krayenhoff E.S.;  Georgescu M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:18/0  |  提交时间:2021/06/28
Concurrent deformation processes in the Matese massif area (Central-Southern Apennines, Italy) 期刊论文
Tectonophysics, 2020, 卷号: 774
作者:  Esposito A.;  Galvani A.;  Sepe V.;  Atzori S.;  Brandi G.;  Cubellis E.;  De Martino P.;  Dolce M.;  Massucci A.;  Obrizzo F.;  Pietrantonio G.;  Riguzzi F.;  Tammaro U.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:30/0  |  提交时间:2021/09/01
Central-Southern Apennines  Geodetic strain rate  GPS networks  Matese massif  
The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: voluntary contributions towards thematic policy coherence 期刊论文
Climate Policy, 2020, 卷号: 20, 期号: 4
作者:  Janetschek H.;  Brandi C.;  Dzebo A.;  Hackmann B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:29/0  |  提交时间:2020/12/08
The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: voluntary contributions towards thematic policy coherence 期刊论文
CLIMATE POLICY, 2020, 卷号: 20, 期号: 4
作者:  Janetschek H.;  Brandi C.;  Dzebo A.;  Hackmann B.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:43/0  |  提交时间:2021/06/28
Climate, forest growing season, and evapotranspiration changes in the central Appalachian Mountains, USA 期刊论文
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019, 卷号: 650, 页码: 1371-1381
作者:  Gaertner, Brandi A.;  Zegre, Nicolas;  Warner, Timothy;  Fernandez, Rodrigo;  He, Yaqian;  Merriamb, Eric R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:33/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07
Pulmonary exposure to peat smoke extracts in rats decreases expiratory time and increases left heart end systolic volume 期刊论文
INHALATION TOXICOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 30, 期号: 11-12, 页码: 439-447
作者:  Thompson, Leslie C.;  Kim, Yong Ho;  Martin, Brandi L.;  Ledbetter, Allen D.;  Dye, Janice A.;  Hazari, Mehdi S.;  Gilmour, M. Ian;  Farraj, Aimen K.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2019/05/04
Accelerating Innovation that Enhances Resource Recovery in the Wastewater Sector: Advancing a National Testbed Network 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 卷号: 51, 期号: 14, 页码: 7749-7758
作者:  Mihelcic, James R.;  Ren, Zhiyong Jason;  Comejo, Pablo K.;  Fisher, Aaron;  Simon, A.;  Snyder, Seth W.;  Zhang, Qiong;  Rosso, Diego;  Huggins, Tyler M.;  Cooper, William;  Moeller, Jeff;  Rose, Bob;  Schottel, Brandi L.;  Turgeon, Jason
收藏  |  浏览/下载:32/0  |  提交时间:2019/05/04
Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of cities 专著
Berlin:WBGU-German Advisory Council, 2016
作者:  Kraas, F.;  Leggewie, C.;  Lemke, P.;  Matthies, E.;  Messner, D.;  Nakicenovic, N.;  Schellnhuber, H.J.;  Schlacke, S.;  Schneidewind, U.;  Brandi, C.;  Butsch, C.;  Busch, S.;  Hanusch, F.;  Haum, R.;  Jaeger-Erben, M.;  Köster, M.;  Kroll, M.;  Loose, C.;  Ley, A.;  Martens, D.;  Paulini, I.;  Pilardeaux, B.;  Schlüter, T.;  Schöneberg, G.;  Schulz, A.;  Schwachula, A.;  Soete, B.;  Stephan, B.;  Sutter, J.;  Vinke, K.;  Wanner, M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:62/0  |  提交时间:2020/03/25