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Accepting the loss of habitat specialists in a changing world 期刊论文
Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 卷号: 5, 期号: 5
作者:  Beger M.
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Meeting fisheries, ecosystem function, and biodiversity goals in a human-dominated world 期刊论文
Science, 2020, 卷号: 368, 期号: 6488
作者:  Cinner J.E.;  Zamborain-Mason J.;  Gurney G.G.;  Graham N.A.J.;  MacNeil M.A.;  Hoey A.S.;  Mora C.;  Villéger S.;  Maire E.;  McClanahan T.R.;  Maina J.M.;  Kittinger J.N.;  Hicks C.C.;  D'Agata S.;  Huchery C.;  Barnes M.L.;  Feary D.A.;  Williams I.D.;  Kulbicki M.;  Vigliola L.;  Wantiez L.;  Edgar G.J.;  Stuart-Smith R.D.;  Sandin S.A.;  Green A.L.;  Beger M.;  Friedlander A.M.;  Wilson S.K.;  Brokovich E.;  Brooks A.J.;  Cruz-Motta J.J.;  Booth D.J.;  Chabanet P.;  Tupper M.;  Ferse S.C.A.;  Sumaila U.R.;  Hardt M.J.;  Mouillot D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:49/0  |  提交时间:2022/01/14
National-scale marine bioregions for the Southwest Pacific 期刊论文
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 卷号: 150
作者:  Beger M.;  Wendt H.;  Sullivan J.;  Mason C.;  LeGrand J.;  Davey K.;  Jupiter S.;  Ceccarelli D.M.;  Dempsey A.;  Edgar G.;  Feary D.A.;  Fenner D.;  Gauna M.;  Grice H.;  Kirmani S.N.;  Mangubhai S.;  Purkis S.;  Richards Z.T.;  Rotjan R.;  Stuart-Smith R.;  Sykes H.;  Yakub N.;  Bauman A.G.;  Hughes A.;  Raubani J.;  Lewis A.;  Fernandes L.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:47/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
Meeting fisheries, ecosystem function, and biodiversity goals in a human-dominated world 期刊论文
, 2020, 卷号: 368, 期号: 6488
作者:  Cinner J.E.;  Zamborain-Mason J.;  Gurney G.G.;  Graham N.A.J.;  MacNeil M.A.;  Hoey A.S.;  Mora C.;  Villéger S.;  Maire E.;  McClanahan T.R.;  Maina J.M.;  Kittinger J.N.;  Hicks C.C.;  D'Agata S.;  Huchery C.;  Barnes M.L.;  Feary D.A.;  Williams I.D.;  Kulbicki M.;  Vigliola L.;  Wantiez L.;  Edgar G.J.;  Stuart-Smith R.D.;  Sandin S.A.;  Green A.L.;  Beger M.;  Friedlander A.M.;  Wilson S.K.;  Brokovich E.;  Brooks A.J.;  Cruz-Motta J.J.;  Booth D.J.;  Chabanet P.;  Tupper M.;  Ferse S.C.A.;  Sumaila U.R.;  Hardt M.J.;  Mouillot D.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:47/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
biodiversity  conservation management  coral reef  ecosystem function  ecosystem management  fishery  human activity  implementation process  livelihood  article  biodiversity  coral reef  fishery  human  nonlinear system  animal  environmental protection  fish  human activities  motivation  Anthozoa  Animals  Biodiversity  Conservation of Natural Resources  Coral Reefs  Fisheries  Fishes  Goals  Human Activities  Humans  
Towards a Comparative Framework of Demographic Resilience 期刊论文
, 2020
作者:  Capdevila P.;  Stott I.;  Beger M.;  Salguero-Gómez R.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:25/0  |  提交时间:2020/07/28
Refugia under threat: Mass bleaching of coral assemblages in high-latitude eastern Australia 期刊论文
作者:  Kim, Sun W.;  Sampayo, Eugenia M.;  Sommer, Brigitte;  Sims, Carrie A.;  Gomez-Cabrera, Maria del C.;  Dalton, Steve J.;  Beger, Maria;  Malcolm, Hamish A.;  Ferrari, Renata;  Fraser, Nicola;  Figueira, Will F.;  Smith, Stephen D. A.;  Heron, Scott F.;  Baird, Andrew H.;  Byrne, Mar
收藏  |  浏览/下载:50/0  |  提交时间:2019/10/08
climate change  coral bleaching  environmental determinants of coral bleaching  range dynamics  subtropical reef  
Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene 期刊论文
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 2019, 卷号: 3, 期号: 9, 页码: 1341-1350
作者:  Darling, Emily S.;  McClanahan, Tim R.;  Maina, Joseph;  Gurney, Georgina G.;  Graham, Nicholas A. J.;  Januchowski-Hartley, Fraser;  Cinner, Joshua E.;  Mora, Camilo;  Hicks, Christina C.;  Maire, Eva;  Puotinen, Marji;  Skirving, William J.;  Adjeroud, Mehdi;  Ahmadia, Gabby;  Arthur, Rohan;  Bauman, Andrew G.;  Beger, Maria;  Berumen, Michael L.;  Bigot, Lionel;  Bouwmeester, Jessica;  Brenier, Ambroise;  Bridge, Tom C. L.;  Brown, Eric;  Campbell, Stuart J.;  Cannon, Sara;  Cauvin, Bruce;  Chen, Chaolun Allen;  Claudet, Joachim;  Denis, Vianney;  Donner, Simon;  Estradivari;  Fadli, Nur;  Feary, David A.;  Fenner, Douglas;  Fox, Helen;  Franklin, Erik C.;  Friedlander, Alan;  Gilmour, James;  Goiran, Claire;  Guest, James;  Hobbs, Jean-Paul A.;  Hoey, Andrew S.;  Houk, Peter;  Johnson, Steven;  Jupiter, Stacy D.;  Kayal, Mohsen;  Kuo, Chao-Yang;  Lamb, Joleah;  Lee, Michelle A. C.;  Low, Jeffrey;  Muthiga, Nyawira;  Muttaqin, Efin;  Nand, Yashika;  Nash, Kirsty L.;  Nedlic, Osamu;  Pandolfi, John M.;  Pardede, Shinta;  Patankar, Vardhan;  Penin, Lucie;  Ribas-Deulofeu, Lauriane;  Richards, Zoe;  Roberts, T. Edward;  Rodgers, Ku';  ulei S.;  Safuan, Che Din Mohd;  Sala, Enric;  Shedrawi, George;  Sin, Tsai Min;  Smallhorn-West, Patrick;  Smith, Jennifer E.;  Sommer, Brigitte;  Steinberg, Peter D.;  Sutthacheep, Makamas;  Tan, Chun Hong James;  Williams, Gareth J.;  Wilson, Shaun;  Yeemin, Thamasak;  Bruno, John F.;  Fortin, Marie-Josee;  Krkosek, Martin;  Mouillot, David
收藏  |  浏览/下载:40/0  |  提交时间:2019/11/07
The relationship between macroalgae taxa and human disturbance on central Pacific coral reefs 期刊论文
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2019, 卷号: 145
作者:  Cannon S.E.;  Donner S.D.;  Fenner D.;  Beger M.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:16/0  |  提交时间:2020/11/23
MEtabolomics standaRds Initiative in Toxicology (MERIT) 期刊论文
TOXICOLOGY LETTERS, 2018, 卷号: 295, 页码: S214-S214
作者:  Kamp, H.;  Beger, R.;  Dorne, J. -L. C. M.;  Ebbels, T.;  Ekman, D.;  Guillou, C.;  Goetz, A.;  Loizou, G.;  Leonards, P.;  van Ravenzwaay, B.;  Sperber, S.;  Viant, M.;  Walk, T.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:42/0  |  提交时间:2019/05/04
CERAPP: Collaborative Estrogen Receptor Activity Prediction Project 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, 2016, 卷号: 124, 期号: 7, 页码: 1023-1033
作者:  Mansouri, Kamel;  Abdelaziz, Ahmed;  Rybacka, Aleksandra;  Roncaglioni, Alessandra;  Tropsha, Alexander;  Varnek, Alexandre;  Zakharov, Alexey;  Worth, Andrew;  Richard, Ann M.;  Grulke, Christopher M.;  Trisciuzzi, Daniela;  Fourches, Denis;  Horvath, Dragos;  Benfenati, Emilio;  Muratov, Eugene;  Wedebye, Eva Bay;  Grisoni, Francesca;  Mangiatordi, Giuseppe F.;  Incisivo, Giuseppina M.;  Hong, Huixiao;  Ng, Hui W.;  Tetko, Igor V.;  Balabin, Ilya;  Kancherla, Jayaram;  Shen, Jie;  Burton, Julien;  Nicklaus, Marc;  Cassotti, Matteo;  Nikolov, Nikolai G.;  Nicolotti, Orazio;  Andersson, Patrik L.;  Zang, Qingda;  Politi, Regina;  Beger, Richard D.;  Todeschini, Roberto;  Huang, Ruili;  Farag, Sherif;  Rosenberg, Sine A.;  Slavov, Svetoslav;  Hu, Xin;  Judson, Richard S.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:45/0  |  提交时间:2019/05/04