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How similar is similar enough? A sufficient similarity case study with Ginkgo biloba extract 期刊论文
FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 118, 页码: 328-339
作者:  Catlin, Natasha R.;  Collins, Bradley J.;  Auerbach, Scott S.;  Ferguson, Stephen S.;  Harnly, James M.;  Gennings, Chris;  Waidyanatha, Suramya;  Rice, Glenn E.;  Smith-Roe, Stephanie L.;  Witt, Kristine L.;  Rider, Cynthia V.
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In silico toxicology protocols 期刊论文
作者:  Myatt, Glenn J.;  Ahlberg, Ernst;  Akahori, Yumi;  Allen, David;  Amberg, Alexander;  Anger, Lennart T.;  Aptula, Aynur;  Auerbach, Scott;  Beilke, Lisa;  Bellion, Phillip;  Benigni, Romualdo;  Bercu, Joel;  Booth, Ewan D.;  Bower, Dave;  Brigo, Alessandro;  Burden, Natalie;  Cammerer, Zoryana;  Cronin, Mark T. D.;  Cross, Kevin P.;  Custer, Laura;  Dettwiler, Magdalena;  Dobo, Krista;  Ford, Kevin A.;  Fortin, Marie C.;  Gad-McDonald, Samantha E.;  Gellatly, Nichola;  Gervais, Veronique;  Glover, Kyle P.;  Glowienke, Susanne;  Van Gompel, Jacky;  Gutsell, Steve;  Hardy, Barry;  Harvey, James S.;  Hillegass, Jedd;  Honma, Masamitsu;  Hsieh, Jui-Hua;  Hsu, Chia-Wen;  Hughes, Kathy;  Johnson, Candice;  Jolly, Robert;  Jones, David;  Kemper, Ray;  Kenyon, Michelle O.;  Kim, Marlene T.;  Kruhlak, Naomi L.;  Kulkarni, Sunil A.;  Kuemmerer, Klaus;  Leavitt, Penny;  Majer, Bernhard;  Masten, Scott;  Miller, Scott;  Moser, Janet;  Mumtaz, Moiz;  Muster, Wolfgang;  Neilson, Louise;  Oprea, Tudor I.;  Patlewicz, Grace;  Paulino, Alexandre;  Lo Piparo, Elena;  Powley, Mark;  Quigley, Donald P.;  Reddy, M. Vijayaraj;  Richarz, Andrea-Nicole;  Ruiz, Patricia;  Schilter, Benoit;  Serafimova, Rositsa;  Simpson, Wendy;  Stavitskaya, Lidiya;  Stidl, Reinhard;  Suarez-Rodriguez, Diana;  Szabo, David T.;  Teasdale, Andrew;  Trejo-Martin, Alejandra;  Valentin, Jean-Pierre;  Vuorinen, Anna;  Wall, Brian A.;  Watts, Pete;  White, Angela T.;  Wichard, Joerg;  Witt, Kristine L.;  Woolley, Adam;  Woolley, David;  Zwickl, Craig;  Hasselgren, Catrin
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A hybrid gene selection approach to create the S1500+targeted gene sets for use in high-throughput transcriptomics 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2018, 卷号: 13, 期号: 2
作者:  Mav, Deepak;  Shah, Ruchir R.;  Howard, Brian E.;  Auerbach, Scott S.;  Bushel, Pierre R.;  Collins, Jennifer B.;  Gerhold, David L.;  Judson, Richard S.;  Karmaus, Agnes L.;  Maull, Elizabeth A.;  Mendrick, Donna L.;  Merrick, B. Alex;  Sipes, Nisha S.;  Svoboda, Daniel;  Paules, Richard S.
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An Intuitive Approach for Predicting Potential Human Health Risk with the Tox21 10k Library 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 卷号: 51, 期号: 18, 页码: 10786-10796
作者:  Sipes, Nisha S.;  Wambaugh, John F.;  Pearce, Robert;  Auerbach, Scott S.;  Wetmore, Barbara A.;  Hsieh, Jui-Hua;  Shapiro, Andrew J.;  Svoboda, Daniel;  DeVito, Michael J.;  Ferguson, Stephen S.
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Technical guide for applications of gene expression profiling in human health risk assessment of environmental chemicals 期刊论文
REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 72, 期号: 2, 页码: 292-309
作者:  Bourdon-Lacombe, Julie A.;  Moffat, Ivy D.;  Deveau, Michelle;  Husain, Mainul;  Auerbach, Scott;  Krewski, Daniel;  Thomas, Russell S.;  Bushel, Pierre R.;  Williams, Andrew;  Yauk, Carole L.
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Incorporating New Technologies Into Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment: Moving From 21st Century Vision to a Data-Driven Framework 期刊论文
TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2013, 卷号: 136, 期号: 1, 页码: 4-18
作者:  Thomas, Russell S.;  Philbert, Martin A.;  Auerbach, Scott S.;  Wetmore, Barbara A.;  Devito, Michael J.;  Cote, Ila;  Rowlands, J. Craig;  Whelan, Maurice P.;  Hays, Sean M.;  Andersen, Melvin E.;  Meek, M. E. (Bette);  Reiter, Lawrence W.;  Lambert, Jason C.;  Clewell, Harvey J., III;  Stephens, Martin L.;  Zhao, Q. Jay;  Wesselkamper, Scott C.;  Flowers, Lynn;  Carney, Edward W.;  Pastoor, Timothy P.;  Petersen, Dan D.;  Yauk, Carole L.;  Nong, Andy
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Biological Networks for Predicting Chemical Hepatocarcinogenicity Using Gene Expression Data from Treated Mice and Relevance across Human and Rat Species 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2013, 卷号: 8, 期号: 5
作者:  Thomas, Reuben;  Thomas, Russell S.;  Auerbach, Scott S.;  Portier, Christopher J.
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RNA-Seq Profiling Reveals Novel Hepatic Gene Expression Pattern in Aflatoxin B1 Treated Rats 期刊论文
PLOS ONE, 2013, 卷号: 8, 期号: 4
作者:  Merrick, B. Alex;  Phadke, Dhiral P.;  Auerbach, Scott S.;  Mav, Deepak;  Stiegelmeyer, Suzy M.;  Shah, Ruchir R.;  Tice, Raymond R.
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