"Tradition is true progress, progress is tradition carried on."
— Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
Whether at home surrounded by festive decorations, getting together with family and friends or just slowing down to enjoy the coziest time of year: for many people, Christmas and the New Year are not just a time to reflect and celebrate, but also to cultivate traditions. These traditions lend a very special meaning to the holidays. However, in a time marked by constant change, the question is: What actually constitutes a tradition – and how can we carry them into the future in a meaningful way?
The physicist and philosopher Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker put it in a nutshell in his reflections: "Tradition is true progress, progress is tradition carried on." This idea shows that traditions are by no means static, but rather change over time – they are often even the basis for progress, showing us the way into the future.
In this sense, traditions can be understood not only as holding on to the familiar, but also as an opportunity to develop new visions for the future. And why not use the festive season to reflect on how we can carry the values important to us today – such as solidarity, mindfulness and sustainability – into the future?
It is with this in mind that we at the Wuppertal Institute are heading into the holiday break. Let us use this festive season to build bridges between the past and the future, to reflect on what is important to us and at the same time to embrace new traditions and values.
We would like to warmly thank you for the trust you have placed in us and for your much appreciated cooperation in these extraordinary and challenging times. We look forward to turning the snows of yesteryear into new traditions and future visions of tomorrow, continuing to shape the transformation together!
We wish you happy holidays and a healthy and successful New Year! Take good care of yourself and your loved ones!
PS: An eventful year is drawing to a close. Find out what was important in 2024 and what topics will be on the Institute's agenda in 2025 in our end-of-year newsletter.
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