Feeling overwhelmed about going all-electric at home? Here’s how to get started  科技资讯
时间:2022-09-29   来源:[美国] Daily Climate

Manchin Pulls His Permitting Bill, but It’s Not Dead Yet: The U.S. Senate has passed a key budget bill, but it doesn’t include Sen. Joe Manchin’s measure that would ease permitting of energy projects. Manchin (D-West Virginia) pulled his plan from the larger bill once it became clear that there wasn’t enough support to pass it. But the permitting measure is still the subject of bipartisan talks that may lead to it resurfacing in some other form, as Jeremy Dillon, Nick Sobczyk and Emma Dumain report for E E News. Manchin’s plan faced opposition from progressives who said it would lead to a boom in fossil fuel projects, and from conservatives who said it didn’t go far enough. But some supporters of clean energy have argued that permitting reform is necessary to accelerate the transition to clean energy. “I’m very open-minded to whatever the next steps are,” said Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii). “I think everyone’s going to have to take a breath and regroup, but permitting reform is essential for our climate goals.”

