Researchers are asking for volunteer 'walrus detectives' to spot walruses from space  科技资讯
时间:2021-10-14   来源:[美国] Daily Climate
Researchers are asking for volunteer walrus detectives to spot walruses from spaceBy Sharon Pruitt-YoungPublished: Thursday, October 14, 2021, 5:36pmShare: Forward logo Print HTML logo Facebook logo Twitter logo

If you're concerned about the effect of climate change on the Arctic's wildlife now you have a way to get involved from your own home by signing up to be what the World Wildlife Fund has described as a "walrus detective."

The WWF and British Antarctic Survey are hoping to track the number of Atlantic and Laptev walruses over five years to find out just how much climate change may be affecting the population, and they're hoping for the public's help. Those who participate in the Walrus From Space project will be tasked with one simple objective: spotting walruses from space.

Satellites will routinely capture photos across Russia, Greenland, Norway and Canada over five years and those photos will then be made available to walrus detectives, who can use their computer to search the high resolution pics for walruses. The public's detective work will be aiding researchers, as well as Artic Indigenous communities and other locals who are working toward the same goal, the WWF said.

All it takes to be a walrus detective is to watch a tutorial online and then take a test that gauges your "walrus identifying" prowess. And kids as young as 10 years old can sign up to help (with adult supervision), the WWF said. The organization hopes that half a million people will join the Walrus From Space effort.

