Well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino found in Siberia  科技资讯
时间:2020-12-31   来源:[美国] Physorg

Well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino found in Siberia

Well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino found in Siberia
This photo taken in Aug. 2020 shows the carcass of a woolly rhino, taken in Yakutia, The well-preserved carcass with most of its internal organs still intact was released by permafrost in August and scientists hope to transport it to the lab for studies next month. (Valery Plotnikov/Mammoth Fauna Study Department at the Academy of Sciences of Yakutia via AP)

A well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino with many of its internal organs still intact has been recovered from permafrost in Russia's extreme north.

Russian media reported Wednesday that the carcass was revealed by melting permafrost in Yakutia in August. Scientists are waiting for ice roads in the Arctic region to become passable to deliver it to a lab for studies next month.

It's among the best-preserved specimens of the Ice Age animal found to date. The carcass has most of its still intact, including part of the intestines, thick hair and a lump of fat. Its horn was found next to it.

Recent years have seen major discoveries of mammoths, woolly rhinos, Ice Age foal, and cave lion cubs as the permafrost increasingly melts across vast areas of Siberia because of .

Yakutia 24 TV quoted Valery Plotnikov, a paleontologist with the regional branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as saying the woolly rhino was likely 3- or 4-years-old when it died.

Plotnikov said the young rhino likely drowned.

Scientists dated the carcass as anywhere from 20,000- to 50,000-years-old. More precise dating will be possible once it is delivered to a lab for radiocarbon studies.

The carcass was found on the bank of the Tirekhtyakh river in the Abyisk district, close to the area where another young was recovered in 2014. Researchers dated that specimen, which they called Sasha, at 34,000 years old.

Well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino found in Siberia
This photo taken in Aug. 2020 shows the carcass of a woolly rhino, taken in Yakutia. The well-preserved carcass with most of its internal organs still intact was released by permafrost in August and scientists hope to transport it to the lab for studies next month. (Valery Plotnikov/Mammoth Fauna Study Department at the Academy of Sciences of Yakutia via AP)

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Citation: Well-preserved Ice Age woolly rhino found in Siberia (2020, December 31) retrieved 31 December 2020 from
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