Arizonans call for greater attention to climate change issues  科技资讯
时间:2019-11-17   来源:[美国] Daily Climate
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In a state where heat and drought have magnified climate change, leaders say there's no time to waste in addressing the issue.

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‘We need to act fast’: Statewide forum focuses on climate solutions for Arizona, Arizona Republic Published 2:54 p.m. MT Nov. 17, 2019 | Updated 3:19 p.m. MT Nov. 17, 2019CLOSECONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE

Lake Mead shows the effects of a prolonged drought, which has reduced the flow of the Colorado River. The high-water mark, or white bathtub ring, shows how far water levels have fallen. (Photo: Mark Henle/The Republic)

FLAGSTAFF — With climate change cranking up the heat and intensifying droughts, more than 400 people from across Arizona gathered Friday and Saturday to brainstorm solutions for reducing planet-warming pollution and preparing for a hotter, drier future.

Among them were young activists who see climate change as the defining issue for their generation. The time to act is now, they said.

“This is rapid change and we should do something about it before it’s too late,” said Alicia Rose Clouser, a 13-year-old eighth-grade student from Sinagua Middle School in Flagstaff and a member of the Navajo Nation.

“My people will be suffering for generations on if we don’t do something,” she said.

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The two-day conference at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff brought together the students and teenage activists along with academics, health officials, tribal representatives, environmentalists, representatives of farming businesses, urban planners and city officials, and people from the community who said they wanted to be part of the discussion. 

The convention was conceived as a forum for people to learn about how climate change is affecting the state and to discuss ways of addressing the many associated problems, including the effects of more extreme heat, health threats, and decreased water supplies. 

“Arizona being a particularly vulnerable state, the citizenry can play a huge role in the state and nationally in solving the problem,” said Rafe Pomerance, a member of the conference’s steering committee. 

Participants discussed an array of ideas, such as incorporating more renewable energy to replace fossil fuel-powered generation, dealing with more destructive wildfires, developing more sustainable agriculture to feed an increasing population, changing how cities are built, and taking steps to protect human health as temperatures continue to rise. 

The conference also offered attendees an opportunity to meet like-minded people and start forming wider coalitions to press for action. 

Aditi Narayanan (left) discusses ideas for economic solutions to address climate change, along with Ryan Harrop (center) and Brian Mecinas (right) during the youth forum at the conference “Climate 2020: Seven Generations for Arizona” at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff on Nov. 16, 2019. (Photo: Ian James)

Young people 'are leading the way'

Debbie Cotton of the Yavapai County Climate Coalition said she was excited about the event helping to expand conversations across Arizona.

“I hope that this spreads throughout the state,” she said, stretching her arms wide for emphasis.

Organizers described the conference, which involved Arizona’s three public universities, as the first statewide solutions-focused event of its kind. The gathering was titled “Climate 2020: Seven Generations for Arizona” and included a forum for young people, which attracted dozens of students of all ages.

“We are in a moment now where young people are leading the way unlike ever before,” said Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, a 19-year-old climate activist and hip-hop artist who spoke at the conference. He said the climate crisis is not just about the economics of remaking the energy system. 

“This is about humanity, our blessed way of life, how we are going to go forward from this point on,” Martinez said. “What it is that we are fighting for is to defend what we love, whether that’s our children, our families, our culture.” 

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, a 19-year-old climate activist and hip-hop artist speaks at the conference “Climate 2020: Seven Generations for Arizona” at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff on Nov. 15, 2019. (Photo: Debra Utacia Krol)

Martinez, who is one of 21 young plaintiffs suing the federal government to press for action on climate change, said that time is of the essence for action to protect the planet. He encouraged the audience to “to anchor yourself in what it is that we are fighting for. Because things are going to get, I think, a lot harder before they get better.”

In addition to his speech, Martinez took the microphone for a hip-hop show. One of the songs that he performs includes the lyrics: “We are a part of the Earth, not separate from it. We are the protectors of nature, the warriors of this land, and the guardians of the Earth.” 

'People have to demand change'

Students at the conference said they felt energized by what they heard.

Clouser, the Sinagua Middle School student, came with four of her classmates, her teacher and her mother. She said was interested to learn not only about the science of climate change but also about how to talk with people about it to promote action.

“What I want to do is help control climate change, because no matter what, we’re going to have climate change. But I just want to stop it from rapidly increasing,” Clouser said.

Clouser said she’s interested in becoming an environmental engineer to work on solutions, including trying to help protect life in the oceans, where coral reefs have been ravaged by worsening heat waves.

During a panel on how cities are contending with climate change, Clouser took the microphone and asked the speakers: “How do I convince people we have to deal with climate change even though it costs money?”

Braden Kay, director of sustainability for the city of Tempe, answered: “People have to demand change. They have to, one, change budgets.”

Kay referred to the example of Portland, where voters last year approved a new tax on large businesses that will help pay for clean energy initiatives.

“Yes, this costs money. We need to understand it costs money. We need to raise capital for it,” Kay said, drawing applause from the audience. “We need to demand elected officials spend money towards climate action, and we need to use the power of our own dollar in how we spend money to motivate that change.”

Clouser said she’s hopeful about getting going on the challenges of combating climate change.

“We need to act fast,” Clouser said. “I think my generation can do it, and probably with the help of past generations and future generations,” she said.

Mobilizing people as risks grow

Scientists laid out details of how higher temperatures are affecting Arizona and the Southwest.

Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech University spoke to the conference in a video call, pointing out that Phoenix is the second-fastest warming city in the country, which has coincided with a rise in heat-related deaths, and that agriculture is vulnerable to intensifying heat waves in the Southwest.

“We also know that our droughts are getting stronger,” Hayhoe said. “We are already starting to see what suffering looks like.”

Pomerance said he has worked to raise awareness about climate change for four decades. 

“These university-run conferences are really great places to build understanding and mitigation strategies across the board,” said Pomerance, senior Arctic policy adviser at Woods Hole Research Center in Falmouth, Massachusetts. 

“Climate strategies require more work between government and institutions to fix than any other issue,” Pomerance said. But, he noted, that work will be essential if the planet is to escape a climate catastrophe: “We’re already seeing major impacts, and there will be more until society overturns the energy systems on earth to a no-carbon system.” 

Nor should people expect a quick fix, he said. “We need to be very clear that the issue is urgent,” he said. “The state of Arizona needs a policy that decides to limit the increase in its average temperature. That means moving to the path of reducing emissions.

“The question is, ‘How hot are Arizonans willing to get?’”

Jaime Butler, a 19-year-old college student who is another plaintiff in the lawsuit against the government, said she thought it was vital that the event included a forum led by young people.

“We’re the main ones that are going to be living in the climate change if we don’t stop it,” Butler said. “And I think it’s really important to have the youth and the next generations in the conversation, too.”

Climate change threatens tribal lands

Butler grew up on the Navajo Reservation and is now an arts student at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo. She said she thinks the event was a useful way for participants to become more unified in their efforts to combat climate change.

“I think younger generations are just the people that will take this seriously, because it’s our future that is being harmed,” said Butler. 

Butler’s mother, Democratic state Sen. Jamescita Peshlakai, spoke about how the disruption of the climate has become a major source of anxiety for her daughter and other teenagers and young adults. 

“In my generation, it was nuclear war, nuclear winter,” Peshlakai said. “For our children, it is the end of the world with climate change, global warming, That’s their anxiety now.”

Ann Marie Chischilly, executive director at the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, pointed out that climate change has major effects for Native American tribes across Arizona as higher temperatures intensify droughts and increase pressures on water supplies.

Tribes have been adapting for a long time to the traumas of colonization of the West, Chischilly said. She also noted that the latest national climate assessment says Indigenous people can be affected disproportionately as the world continues to heat up.

Some participants discussed potential solutions that have already been detailed by researchers and advocates, such as those described in the book Drawdown, which include efforts such as reducing food waste, promoting wind energy and improving education for girls worldwide.

The conference featured prerecorded video messages from Republican Sen. Martha McSally and her Democratic challenger, Mark Kelly, as well as former Interior Secretary and Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt.

“The Arizona that we know and love is everywhere now at risk. Arizona is becoming ground zero in the effects of global warming,” Babbitt said in his video message. “I think it’s time for the new generation to assume leadership. It now falls to your generation to take charge.”

'We don't want to leave anyone behind'

During the youth forum on Saturday, high school and college students sat together at round tables with markers and large pads of paper, writing down ideas on what they described as three pillars of sustainability: economy, society, and environment. 

“I’m saying we need to have a transition and invest in that transition to more renewable jobs, because we don’t want to leave anyone behind in a more sustainable world,” said Aditi Narayanan, a 17-year-old student from Phoenix. 

She and other students who are active in the group Arizona Youth Climate Strike said they are planning their next demonstrations on Dec. 6 in cities across the state. Kyle Kline, a 19-year-old student at the University of Arizona, said all of the upcoming demonstrations will demand that cities declare climate emergencies and enact climate action plans. 

“We can really make a change,” Lauren Pacheco, a high school senior from Flagstaff, told the group. “Your voices are so important to what we want this movement to look like and what we want change to look like.”

Bruce Hungate of the Center for Ecosystem Science and Society at Northern Arizona University offers opening remarks at the conference “Climate 2020: Seven Generations for Arizona” at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff on Nov. 15, 2019. (Photo: Debra Utacia Krol)

Bruce Hungate, a professor at NAU and director of the Center for Ecosystem Science and Society, said the conference was a success and the attendance exceeded organizers’ expectations. 

“There’s interest in hosting this meeting again elsewhere across the state, and I think that’s really exciting,” Hungate said. “It’s definitely succeeded in starting the conversation.”

Reach reporter Debra Utacia Krol at or at 602-444-8490. Follow her on Twitter at @debkrol.

Reach reporter Ian James at or 602-444-8246. Follow him on Twitter: @ByIanJames

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Environmental coverage on and in The Arizona Republic is supported by a grant from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. Follow The Republic environmental reporting team at and at OurGrandAZ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

